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Terms and Conditions

I agree to…


To present myself in a professional and honorable manner, worthy of the respect of my fellow partner; and of the vocation I represent.


To honor one another with my speech and actions, remembering we are working together to support our community.


To encourage one another in personal and professional growth, seeking to support one another.  Being active to assist a fellow partner in need.


To aid in the growth and development of the group, by working to resolve any and all issues quickly and efficiently.


To be liberal with my praise and slow to criticize.


I understand that to be a part of the group I must…


Be a Business owner.  In an effort to protect the organic nature of our networking organization, BCB does not allow active recruiting or soliciting of business. Our overarching purpose is to benefit our community through service to the fatherless and we work hard to protect the balance between networking and philanthropy. 


Each partnership includes one Business.  If you own more than one business each will need to join as a partner.  A Business owner can join as many businesses as they would like.


Renew membership yearly.


Code of Ethics:


As Better Community Builders, we support and uplift those in our community.  We firmly condem the exploitation, physically/sexually, of anyone. If the BCB board feels that you have exploited anyone, we reserve the right to remove you from our partnership and report as needed.


If your partner package includes social media advertisement, our BCB representative reserves the right to judge whether or not the post is appropriate in relation to speech, graphics, or content.  

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